On: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 15:40:02 -0500 the lone gunman writes:

> Several of my emails are getting returned by the intended
> receiever's ISP.  The emails are returned with "invalid hostname" --
> *my* hostname.  Since I am currently only using PPP to connect to
> the 'net, I have a bogus hostname.

I had the same problems too.  Many MTA reverse lookup the envelope
sender and reject mails with an unresolvable name.

> I believe, though, that some mailers reject my name because of spam
> filters or whatever.  At any rate, what should I change my hostname
> to (and how) so that it appears okay for strict mail systems?  My
> ISP IP is dynamic, so I can't use that (those?).

You could use envelope header rewriting to replace the envelope sender
by your email address.  With sendmail you would have to use the
masquerade_envelope feature together with a genericstable.

Look at the sendmail docs or http://www.sendmail.org for details.


BTW: Fortunately, I do have a valid hostname right now.  Made my
     sendmail config much easier to read.

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