Nebu John Mathai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Also, is there any way to have a message pop up whenever someone is
> trying to log in?

Try xlogmaster from slink.
You can regexp for an expression and make it pop up.

KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred,
Tan me hide when I'm dead.
So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde,
It's hanging there on the shed.

All together now...
        Tie me kangaroo down, sport,
        Tie me kangaroo down.
        Tie me kangaroo down, sport,
        Tie me kangaroo down.

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