When running X, no cursor bitmp is displayed, only a white rectangle about
1"x1/4" which moves in response to mouse movements.  It's the same whether I
run twm or  fvwm95. I've tried defining a set of cursors in .twmrc, but it
had no effect. I'm running the Mach32 Xserver.

In a perhaps related problem, some windows are not being repainted. For
example, with twm, clicking on the background brings up a menu OUTLINE, with
no content. However, dragging the no-icon cursor over the menu outline
causes the menu items to be hilighted and then displayed. In addition, if a
menu pops up over another window, and then dismissed, the menu image stays
visible, overwriting the xterm or whatever window it obstructed.

Anyone have a clue what's going on there?

Harry Hersh

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