I've a couple of questions about sendmail :

i need to store a subdomain in a pop account, i've uncomment the line:
'Kmailertable dbm /etc/mailertable' in sendmail.cf
and write in this file by example: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and build database with 'makemap dbm mailertable < mailertable'

my first problem is because sendmail cannot read /etc/mailertable
i've modified the line by 'Kmailertable btree /etc/mailertable'
and build database with 'makemap btree mailertable < mailertable'
sendmail can now read the file but i haven't the effect need.
any idea ???

my second question is what is the best choice to replace sendmail 
smail or exim ?.
is it possible to use two different config file like sendmail
to have a smarthost when you're connected to your ISP and
another when you're not online ( without smtp relay ).

tks for comments

Tony Schonfeld - F5GIT - GRENOBLE - Voice/Data/Fax: +33 (0)476932598
WWW: http://schonfeld.home.ml.org - http://www.voiron.com/associations/ham/

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