On Mon 08 Aug 1998, Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: 
> Ok; granted - there are not free versions of ssh for Win95/NT (I thought
> there was one, but I don't have a URL so I'll concede the point).

There is a sorta free implementation of SSH for Win95/NT.

Source code is available, but modified versions may not be distributed
without the permission of the author.  The full copyright is available in
the source code package.

TeraTerm Pro is the actual software, and there is TTSSH, which is an
extension to it, does a pretty nice job actually.

Information available, including link to the TTSSH page at


It's only good for interactive sessions, and there is no ssh-keygen, but
for secure connections from Win95/NT machines, it's a good alternative.

Of course there is the "standard" ssh implementation for Win32 console mode,
but terminal emulation is dodgy at the very best.

> There are two very good commercial implementations of ssh that I know of
> - the ssh from datafellows, and SecureCRT.

SecureCRT is very nice... only available in the US, unless you visit

Benjamin Lyall, perpetual slacker    [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~blyall/     <-=     crappy homepage plug thingy
4th year student  computer systems engineering and computer science  RMIT city
Oh my god! They killed Kenny! Those bastards! -- Kyle from South Park

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