
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> Another package that I could not get my Bo configuration to work with the 
> Hamm 
> setup is SAMBA.  Shares seem to be fine, but when I use SMBCLIENT I get an 
> error such as:
> startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file or 
> directory

Uhhmmm... I am not sure I understand. You say that you had a working
Samba setup but when you upgraded to Hamm Samba stopped working?

> ...Then it simply hangs!

The error about inexistant /etc/lmhosts file isn't a big deal if
smbclient is able to find the IP address of the host you are trying to
connect to.

Also, wha do you mean by "it simply hangs"?

> It is true, I do not have a lmhosts file.  I was hoping it to resolve via 
> DNS.  So I added "name resolve order = hosts" and I get the same error as 
> above and also it tells me that port 134 on the machine I am tring to connect 
> has timed-out?

What version of Samba are you using, by the way?

> All Win95 clients connect to this same WinNT box just fine.  Connections 
> worked a-okay with my Bo setup.  I currently run smbd and nmbd as daemons. 
> Any ideas on the hangup?  Encrypted passwords?  This NT box getting to my 
> Linux server works fine (printers, apps, shares, etc.).

OK, so Win95 -> WinNT is OK, WinNT -> Samba is OK, smbclient -> WinNT
is not OK. Is this OK? And what about Win95 -> Samba?

Can you try connecting to the NT box with smbclient using the IP
address instead of the host name?

smbclient \\\\ntbox\\share_to_connect_to -I

Please let me know if that works...

Good luck.


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