>> "J" == JonesMB  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

J> Everything was working fine till 2 days ago.  Win95 can still
J> connect so I looked at the ppplog.txt file there and comparing it
J> to previous connects, it looks like the authentication procedure on
J> the server has changed from PAP to CHAP.  I have setup the
J> chap-secrets file accordingly as well as set the name and
J> remotename options.  After the call comes up and chat hands over to
J> pppd, I get these messages

J> Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
J> Aug 26 03:35:37 nsx pppd[9455]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap
0x0> <magic 0xffff9001> <pcomp> <accomp>]
J> Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx last message repeated 10 times
J> Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
J> Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Modem hangup
J> Aug 26 03:36:07 nsx pppd[9455]: Connection terminated.
J> Aug 26 03:36:08 nsx pppd[9455]: Exit.

What makes you think they have changed to CHAP? The logfile snipplet
above doesn't indicate anything like this (as authentication is part
of LCP).


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