
   What should i do to make the gth themes work in debian? Should i
remove all gtk packages and then compile and install the tgz files??


Well i have a tipical problem that coulnot find the answer. In my
system, im able to conect to internet via root, but the users cannot.
(currently to enable the conection to a user root must ejecute pon, but
thats not the idea...)I explain:

As a user, linux said (when i ejecute `pon') nothing, but when ejecuting
plog, linux say:

        Aug 26 19:55:17 computron pppd[218]: Terminating on signal 15.
        Aug 26 19:55:17 computron pppd[218]: Connection terminated.
        Aug 26 19:55:17 computron pppd[218]: Exit.
        Aug 26 19:55:39 computron pppd[740]: pppd 2.3.5 started by
filsin, uid 1000
        Aug 26 19:55:41 computron chat[742]: /etc/chatscripts/provider
-- open failed:         Permission denied
        Aug 26 19:55:41 computron pppd[740]: Connect script failed

So i guess this is a permition problem, i have try to change the
permitions to the folowing files:


What should i do to make users be able to connet to internet or where
can i get info ?

Thanks, Phillip Neumann

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