
Thanks for the letter. However, my modem speed is set to 115000.

Actually, the reason for all this, is that I read somewhere, that linux is
able to set latencies for various programs, since it is so network
centric. And that article mentioned that telnet is set to low-latency, so
that it gets a good response.

So, I've been wondering is there is something I did, or didn't do, which
changed that. I've played with the MTU and MRU settings. Currently, its
296 for both. No difference whatsoever.


On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Michele Bini wrote:

> > > I connect to my ISP with Win95 as well (cos there is no NetMeeting on
> > > Linux :-(, and it is much more responsive. 
> > > 
> Maybe you have made the same error I made: to connect to my ISP I
> wrongly specified 38400 as modem speed since it was the only speed I
> found in the documentation (manual pages and HOWTOSs). After
> replacing 38400 with 56400 (I found this value only in the setserial man
> page) I noticed an incredible (probably ~2x)  speedup.
> > I had a problem with latency once and it was due to name resolution, and
> > the particular order I had DNS' in my system.
> > 
> > With the host that you are having the lag with, setup a /etc/hosts entry
> > for that  machine and try it again.  If it take the same about of time,
> > then not resolution.  
> > If it is quick then you know you have a problem with resolution.
> -Michele

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