IP masquerading is compiled into the stock 2.0.34 hamm kernel and works
just fine for me.  Remember to install the ip masq ftp module so that
ftp works right behind the firewall.

I too installled the ipmasq package and ended up removing it.  It would 
probably be a nice, useful package if there were any docs at all for it.
You dont need this package to do ip masquerading.

Im barely knowlegable enough to get ip masqing working on my own system, 
so instead of offering specific advice, I refer you to the How-To and
the ipfwadm man page.


On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 07:31:50PM -0400, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> For the record, removing the debian 'ipmasq' package - which had an empty
> configuration and therefore was defaulting everything to deny - solved the
> ping and dns problems, solved everything in fact except how to get ipmasqing
> working in 2.0.34. 
> I'm suspicious of that 'IPAUTOFW' option. Does anybody have a kernel config
> for 2.0.34 that produces a working ip masq?
> Bob Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has anyone ever seen the Subject: line's message before?
> > 
> > I just compiled 2.0.34 to get ip masqing going, and I appear in the process
> > thereof to have trashed something really basic. Ecch! I get this whether I
> > ping a local host, a remote host, or the machine itself.
> > 
> > The system's ifconfig and routing tables look ok. It will dial up my ISP and
> > get an IP assigned which duly appears in both those tables. But it then acts
> > as if there's no DNS available, which there is, as I can verify by
> > connecting with another machine to the same ISP.
> Bob Bernstein at Esmond, R.I.    
> --  
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