On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 09:22:00AM -0400, Greg Vence wrote:
> M.C. Vernon wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm - is beowulf a .deb? and if so, is it in /slink/non-free
> > 
> It seems to be available as RPM's.  You can use alien to get it
> installed.

I am tossing around the idea of a cheap beowulf cluster...junked PCs etc.
I think some of the beowulf stuff is already available?

from what I remember Beowulf uses PVM, and that is already packaged.
They basically seemed when I read their pages to be makeing "add ons" which
make PVM more powerfull 
(Like a cool way to bind 2 (or more) ethernet segments together into 1 much 
faster segment - of course every machine on the segment needs 2 cards...but..
it look sway cool)

hmmm is anyone working on these "add ons"? ....ifenslave is really cool

> > (not that I can offord to have one right now, but maybe....)
> > 
> Me either.  However, as a consultant I see 486's trashed from time to
> time...

I see them go out in huge piles...huge piles....


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
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"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
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