> I noticed that same problem.  The CD has a readme on it (somewhere,
> don't have it with me right now) that says something to the effect of
> "it appears that any CD with all the pacakges on it can be called
> 'official', as there is not standard directory layout" or something to
> that effect.
> I guess I just took their word for it, but it certainly doesn't cast the
> Debian project in a good light that the cd_autoup.sh script won't work
> without manually (and without instruction) making lots of silly symlinks
> in a temporary directory and running it from there.

Perhaps it is silly, but I can't understand why the official CD isn't simply a 
mirror of the relevant files and directories of Debian's official ftp site.
I think that this way the problems like the one of cd_autoup.sh would be much 
less distrurbing.
Making the official CD a mirror of Debian's official ftp site would also help 
(a little) in the release of new versions. And it would also help (a little) 
new users to get used to the directory structure of the ftp sites.

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