You might be able to convert to 128-bit encryption using fortify.  See  I haven't tried it on the libc6 version of netscape,
however it works fine on the libc5 version. 

On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, Nick Cabatoff wrote:

> I know this question belongs properly in the netscape forums, but they
> seem pretty MS-Windows oriented.  I'm guessing many of you have had a
> similar problem already (though I haven't seen anything recently on the
> lists.)
> Netscape 4.06 with 128-bit encryption is only available from the
> netscape web site after filling out forms giving your address, etc.
> Unfortunately it's linked with libc5; for various reasons I won't go
> into here this is unsatisfactory for us.
> It is possible to get 4.06 linked with libc6 from the ftp site; however,
> this is the export version which only has 40-bit encryption, and which
> we'd prefer not to be stuck with.
> Has anyone succeeded in downloading a 4.x/non-export release linked with
> libc6?
> --  
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