amazingly, I've recovered most of my disk.

from findsuper, at the beginning,
 thisoff     block fs_blk_sz  blksz last_mount
    33280        32     64480     0 Wed Sep  2 10:38:04 1998

choose to start a cylinder 1, +64480k, and it recovers the /boot

And immediately after this in the list, I find another of a likely start

 58753536     57376     64480     0 Sun Aug 30 12:46:24 1998
 66061312     64513    258048     0 Thu Jun 25 11:08:35 1998

So I toldit to make hda2 258048k, and I recovered an irrelevant

After a little diddling, I figured to grep the list for Sep.*98,
to find blocks modified in the last couple of days.  This leads to

-544980480   -532207   1048577     0 Wed Sep  2 10:38:04 1998

This is out of the first batch of negative numbers.  Since it was written
to this morning, I assume that it is part of a real file system.
Since this is the first superblock in the list with this fs_blk_size,
I figure that it must be the first superblock for its partition. So
I should be able to to calculate the actual starting block as 
2^22-532207 = 4194304-532207=3662097, shouldn't I? And since fdisk 
says that my cylinders are 1008*512 bytes, they're 504 blocks each.
So dividing my block count by 504, i get 7266.0654, or that my 
partition starts in cylinder 7267.

So I start the extended partition in that cylinder, to the end of the
disk.  And then I add a partition of 1048577k, and successfully
recover /usr/src.  After the 1048577 entries end, i find

520061440    507872   2097112     0 Thu Jun 25 01:42:31 1998
520372736    508176   1048577     0 Sun Aug 30 12:46:24 1998
528065536    515689   2096451     0 Mon Jun 22 18:13:57 1998
528450048    516064   2097112     0 Thu Jun 25 01:42:31 1998
529015296    516616   2097112     0 Wed Sep  2 10:38:06 1998

It's getting tricky now, the 2097112 clusters start before the end
of my partition.  But there's a modification this morning . . .

Looking closely, these aren't from the same file system; they're too
close together:  they should be 8192 blocks apart, and it's only
548.  So there are two fs around of the same size.  So I assume
it's the one modified today, and add the next partition with size 

This successfully recovered /home, which has the handful of files I 
actually care about in all this.  (well, it would be nice to recover /etc,
and /var/lib/games/nethack/scores :)

But now I'm not sure what comes next: there are two 100mb (or are they
128mb?) swap partitions, which i don't think leave superblocks, 
and there's about 1G of /. 

but grepping for Sep.*98 finds one more,

-1356299776  -1324511   1140016     0 Wed Sep  2 15:41:32 1998

Since the integers have rolled over yet again, this should mean starting
at block 2*2^22-1324511=7064097, and dividing by 504 yields 14017 
as the starting cylinder.

But no dice.  This doesn't yield a valid file system this time. 

I also tried adding a pair of 100m partitions, then using the rest, but 
still no dice?  Any more ideas, or should i reinstall a minimal system
on /boot, ftp /home off the system while the getting's good, and do 
a clean reinstall?


Since it is in the first batch of negative block numbers, 

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