On 04 Sep 1998 00:45:58 +1000, Robert Merkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Remo Badii) writes:
>> I cannot remember having seen any suggestion to include APM support in
>> the kernel during the (successful) installation of Debian 2.0 from the
>> CDs using dselect. Do I really have to load the source file(s) from an
>> FTP site and compile the kernel myself?
>You can download a Debian kernel-source package, which you can install
>like any other Debian package.

Perhaps you meant the kernel-image package.  If you download the
kernel-source then you still need to compile it (although with the
program "make-kpkg" it's as easy as falling off a log).

Rob Wilderspin
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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