I have never used linux before, so I'm groping around a bit.
I am trying to connect to Demon Internet using a chatscript. The server is able to use either PAP or text-based login, but I got furthest with text-based. I set ppp up with pppconfig and I have checked the /etc/ppp/peers/Demon it created and the chatscript it refers to.
I have a static IP address but when pon gets to the IP entry in peers/Demon it says "<my IP address> command not recognised" or something like that.
I have tried making the connection with minicom, which happens really slowly (I don't know how fast it should go). I got the connection speed back (56K) and the server's address then:
protocol: (I entered "ppp")
host: (my username) IP: (my IP, which is static)
ppp begun at (something) mail maintenance completed. routing problems with (something or other) fixed. finger (an address) for info. L"
and it stops there. If ppp was being set up, I would have seen some garbage wouldn't I?
Since it tells me my address anyway, I removed the IP address from peers/Demon and tried pon again. This time it got through the login sequence, including the protocol bit, then (plog) said serial connection established. ifconfig only showed loopback. After a while plog said that "LCP timeout sending config requests". At no point could I use anything that needed a ppp connection.
I'm confused and I'd be very grateful for any help.
Tom Bowles

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