In  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (spOOL) wrote:

>1.     Is there a different way to install packages while in X or should I
>still be using dselect??

You may use apt or dpkg directly.

But look that the installed packages have no reference to X. It is no
good idea to update a package used the same time.

>3.     I want to install WINE....are there any steps that I need to take 

No. But you schoul take the latest package of wine. You find it in the
sling-distribution. I use wine 980822. 
You will have to install three packages: wine, wine-doc an wine-lib.
The next step is to have a look into the docs (fonts.gz) to convert
windows fonts for wine if you want to have better fonts.
The last step for me was to convert the ttf-fonts as my efforts to
install programs to make the true type fonts accessable were
unsuccesfull was to convert the true type fonts.
The fonts have not the same size as in Windows but I am working on it.
The second problem is that the conversion cut the bottom of the
letters like "y" or "g".


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