There is a link from debian home page to a free "book" like the one you are 
looking for (and other documentation).

> Since, I decided to use debian instead of Slackware or Red Hat. I have
> noticed something. I can't find a book devoted to it. I can find the
> other and I even am considering switching to another dist, just be cause
> I like to have a printed text near by. You to read on the bus or when
> you turn on your machine and it makes that uhhhhhh no sound stop crash !
> So can someone recommend one to me that has stuff in it specific to
> Debian? Where can I get it? (I even have Linux Journal - and I can't
> find anything in there!) Ok, if it will help I'll trade all my old
> Windblows 95/3.1 tech manuals and like or how about my Netware CNE/CNA
> study guide........ ; )

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