I am trying to network three computers in my home, with my little 386
running linux as the gateway/server/etc.  Eventually, the plan is to have
the linux computer access the internet and give the other computers access
so that we use only a single line.  It will also be used to allow me to
share files and devices (printers, scanner, etc) between computers without
having to disconnect and reconnect them.

My question is, where do I start?  I purchased an inexpensive hub, and a 16
bit ISA "plug'n'play" LinkSys Ethernet card for the 386 (I know it sucks,
and I will probably return it for another).  Linux does not recognize it,
and I have no idea how to begin to configure it.  Could anyone help a poor,
ignorant, newbie?

Also, I installed the "base" debian system from the floppies, but have not
installed any other packages.  What should I install to set up basic
networking?  Eventually, I will want to install an e-mail server, a
telnet/ftp server (I think these come with the base system), a web server,
etc.I've seen some of these as packages, but what about the basic original

Any information on where to start would be appreciated.


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