I've read and successfully followed the guidelines for creating new kernels
using the the kernel-headers-2.0.34.deb, kernel-source-2.0.34.deb, and
kernel-package.deb packages.  I've read the manuals and some of the HOWTO's,
but some things still elude me.  I'd like to know some of the personal
strategies used in the Debian environment for creating and using kernel
packages for unstable kernel releases.

No, I haven't R-all-TFM's out there, but I'm getting burnt out on 'em.  So,
I'd like to hear a little about what some of you do personally to keep track
of things.  What you like to do to back up old kernels, etc.  (The next FM's
I'll be looking at include the Debian package creation utilities, reviewing
the Kernel stuff, modules, etc.  Just give me a breather; I need a breather!

The reason I ask this is because I'm wary about moving or deleting the
.deb-installed headers from the /usr/include directory.

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