1) I think that I had once a problem like the one you describe because the 
configuration of the mtu/mru numbers didn't fit to the ones that were 
recieved/transmitted. But I might confusing different issues.
2) I think that sending the relevant lines of the log may help solving any 
kind of PPP problems.

> After getting my earlier problems fixed or so it seems with 
> routing, gateways, domains, and DNS when trying to connect
> to the internet I get disconnected and in my log I get
> LCP: timeout sending confige request
> This message may not be exact but it is real close.
> I went to ppp options and tried to disable lcp icp negoations but
> I just got more error messages about something being disabled
> and my script still failed. I also tried through the options file
> extending how many LCP confige request my machine could send.
> I even set it to 100 and still ended up timing out.
> So it seems my machine cannot finish getting connected to
> my isp because of confige timeout request.
> Any comments about how to fix this would be appreciated.

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