On Thu, 17 Sep 1998, Alexander List wrote:

> Hi!
> I am thinking about using mysql for administering my user database, as it
> will probably be quite large (expected round 10000 users).

We do this now using PostgreSQL

> I thought about the following ways to do this:
> 1) using normal passwd/shadow files, dumped regularly from mysql
>    I encountered the following difficulties with this approach:
>    a) I do not want to store clear passwords anywhere, so
>    b) I would have to encrypt the user passwords "manually" when adding
>       a user to the database

We re-generate all flat files from databases whenever a transaction change
has been made to effect one of those files.  Make a Administration front
end for entering data into the database, using Perl/DBD libraries, and
have it crypt() the passwords and then insert them into the database.

> 2) patching shadow so that it can use mysql for authentication
>    I think there are even more problems with this approach, because
>    not only shadow uses the passwd/shadow database, but the whole libc
>    does, and I'm not sure if all my programs that need user information
>    use the getpwent() function of the C library...

Just authenticate via shadow, and re-generate the shadow file from the
database whenever a change takes place.

> So my question is:
>    Has anyone done something like this before?

Yes.  Our database contains every configuration file for any system on
our network, including: sendmail.cw, virtusertable, httpd.conf, srm.conf,
named.boot, passwd, shadow, etc, etc.  Files are re-generated when a
change was made to the database that would effect the respective file.

We also use Radiator which authenticates against this database, and
assigns check/reply attributes from the database.

>    What do you think is the best approach? 
>    I thought about writing a script that
>    *) creates the user in the system with a random password that is of
>       course sent to the printer immediately (well, at least the user 
>       should know his/her password) with all the other account info,
>    *) creates the user in the MySQL database with no password information,
>       but details such as account status (active, hold, delete),
>    and a cron job that
>    *) updates the password database regularly, that is, removes users 
>       from the database or puts a * into the passwd file according to the
>       user status in the SQL database
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on this topic!
> Thanks in advance for your help...
> Alex
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> "Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!"
>                            -- Bill Gates, 1981
> "Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM."
>                            -- Bill Gates, 1996
> "Nobody will ever need Windows 95."
>                            -- logical conclusion
> ************************************************************************** 
> Alexander List @ HTU Graz, Rechbauerstr. 12, A-8010 Graz
> Tel: +43-316-873-5111 Fax: +43-316-873-5115
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> http://www.sbox.tu-graz.ac.at/home/alexlist
> PGP public key available via WWW or on request
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Brian Feeny (BF304)   | ShreveNet Inc. - Premium Internet Service Provider 
Network Administrator | Shreveport, Louisiana - http://www.shreve.net/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Web Hosting, Virtual Domains, Storefronts, 
(318)222-2NET x 109   | Database/Web Integration, 56k, ISDN, T1

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