At 07:40 AM 9/17/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>>   "                  "          "            expect (OK)
>>   "                  "          "            alarm
>>   "                  "          "            Failed
>Your modem is not responding to the ATZ command with OK.  Are you certain
>that your modem is on /dev/ttyS1?  Connect to with minicom and see how it
>John Hasler
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
>Dancing Horse Hill
>Elmwood, WI

I installed from floppies, and until I get a modem/ftp connection up I
can't install minicom.

If I type "echo ATDT(phone_number_of_my_other_line) > /dev/ttyS1", I can
hear the modem dial and then I can pick up my other phone and talk to the
phone and I can hear my voice coming out of the modem. Then I can "echo ATZ
> /dev/ttyS1" and the modem hangs up. So it must be on /dev/ttyS1.

Kent West                       | Technology Support/                           
Abilene Christian University    | Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724        
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:    KC5ENO, General                       |

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