At 12:45 PM 9/17/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>Kent West writes:
>> I've just discovered the chat command (I'm a newbie). I can echo a
>> command from the prompt to the modem, but when I try "chat "" ATZ OK
>> ATDT(phonenum)" the system sits for a while displaying "ATZ" and then
>> just returns me to the prompt. As mentioned below, apparently the echo
>> command from the prompt "sees" the modem, but chat does not. Any clues?
>chat knows nothing about modems.  It just writes each 'send' string to its
>standard output and reads its standard input for the matching 'expect'
>string.  When pppd runs chat, it connects chat to the modem.  When you run
>chat from the command line, it writes to the display and reads the
>keyboard.  Try 'chat "" ATZ OK ATDT(phonenum)' again, but this time respond
>to the 'ATZ' with 'OK'.
>John Hasler
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
>Dancing Horse Hill
>Elmwood, WI

I don't have minicom yet (re: your previous suggestion to try minicom).

The test you suggested above was interesting. You're right, it just sent
data to the screen and accepted it from the keyboard. I'm glad you told me
that; it helps me understand.

Is there a way to get the modem to send/recieve to/from the modem instead
of standard in/out?

Kenneth Sharf suggested something that might be the culprit. He suggested
checking the serial port speed. I originally tried to get ppp set up with a
2400 modem (not for production, just for setup/testing purposes), but
couldn't get any response with it (even with the "echo...." command). So I
scrounged up a 14.4 modem, and this is the one I'm now having problems
with. If the ports are set to 115000 or something fast, will that prevent
the modem from "handshaking" with the serial port and cause my problem? If
so, how do I slow down the port (until I can get a better modem)? I suspect
I'd use the setserial command, but if that's correct and you know the
syntax off the top of your head I'd appreciate it. (If you don't know the
syntax, I can try setserial --help and Maybe figure it out -- remember, I
don't have man pages yet either).

Which reminds me, is there anywhere on the web where man pages can be
accessed in HTML format or some other browser-readable format?


Kent West                       | Technology Support/                           
Abilene Christian University    | Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724        
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:    KC5ENO, General                       |

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