On Thu, Sep 10, 1998 at 02:52:15PM -0300, Adam Greene wrote:
> What will Linux (therefore Debian) do with the new Unix Driver Model 
> being pushed by Intel, Compaq, SCO, Hewlett-Packard, etc??

hmm well...
I have no idea :)

What is this standard?  Is there a pointer to it? 

If the standard is worth anything...and would be a "good thing" to impliment
then it will probably eventually gte implimented and become part of
the real deciding factors are A) someone likeing it enouhgh (perhaps needing
it enough) to impliment it B) Other people liking it enough to actually
use it

I would however like to see this standard


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>------------ 
E-mail "Bumper Stickers":
"A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!"
"honk if you Love Linux"

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