I'm thinking about making the upgrade to slink since it has a couple
of additions I'd like to try. After hearing all the great things about
apt-get I thought I'd give it a try. I have a local mirror of the
Debian ftp site and I'm having trouble figuring out how to modify
sources.list to point to it. The trick is that my mirror isn't on an
anonymous ftp server, I have to log in to it with my username and
password. How can I make apt-get use these when it attempts the ftp?
I think I want something along the lines of:

deb ftp://my.local.machine/usr/local/mirror/debian slink main contrib non-free 

but is there any way to get it to prompt me for a username or
password? The man page for sources.list says that the ftp method is
highly configurable and to see the ftp.conf(5) man page. Trouble is
that man page didn't seem to get installed on my hamm system, even
after installing apt from slink?

Help, as always, is appreciated!

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