
I just installed Debian Linux and have some questions about lilo.  I used
Linux a few years ago and the way lilo worked then was that when you
booted the machine, you got a LILO: prompt and then could type linux, dos,
or whatever to boot the desired operating system.  There was also a way to
have it not time out so that it would just sit there until you told it
which one to boot.  I would like to have that same sort of thing setup
now, but that doesn't seem to be the default anymore.

When I installed lilo, it requires that the shift key be held down for
the lilo boot prompt to come up, which can best be described as
"annoying", and for some reason it won't boot linux for me.  Instead of
entering a name for the OS to load, it wants a partition number and the
only one it lets me use is my Win98 partition.

Does anyone know how to set up lilo the way I described?  I basically want
the LILO prompt to come up when I boot my machine, I don't want it to time
out, and I want to be able to enter english names for the different OS's I
want to load (of which there are two, Linux and Win98).


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