*-Ken Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | I currently have SuSE 5.2, Red Hat 5.1, Slackware 3.4 and Debian 2.0 on | seperate partitions on a 10 gig hd. As you can tell, I am constantly looking | for something better. From what I heard, I thought it might be Debian, but I | can't even get the resolution set right on it. I have it set a 1024x768 on my | other distributions, but using xf86config the same way with Debian, I get | 640x480 with a virtual resolution of 800x600. It evidently only sees 256k of | videoram when I have 2 meg. What's different about Debian? From what I read | on this mailing list, one of its features is easy of installation. Maybe I'm | just expecting too much.
I don't know why this happens, but try putting VideoRam: 2048 it the Device section in /etc/X11/XF86Config. Have you tried using XF86Setup instead of xf86config? -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] [-: .elOle. :-] [EMAIL PROTECTED]