
I've just added more RAM on my old Pentium 100. Now I have 128 Mb of
RAM and as expected I'm experiencing a slowdown when a program is run
above the 64 Mb limit. I think that running programs in the first 64
Mb and using the upper 64 Mb as a swap area would be more efficient
because I would not experience as many performance penalties due to
cache problems and swapping in RAM should be a lot faster than
swapping on hard drive. Am I correct?

How do I make sure the RAM disk is created in the upper 64 Mb?

I think I should have something like the following in my /etc/fstab

/dev/ram0               none            swap    sw,pri=2        0       0
/dev/sda3               none            swap    sw,pri=1        0       0

so the swap area in memory have a higher priority than the one on my hard

What should I do to enable swap space in RAM? Should I add a command like

mkswap /dev/ram0 65536

in /etc/init.d/checkroot.sh before the `swapon -a' command.

Thank you for any informations,


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