> Now what do you guys say I try?


I don't know enough about Linux to suggest a rescue procedure. But I
have a sugestion to use instead of Lilo.

I have a floppy disk to boot for Linux (yes I know ancient technology
and slow to boot). There are some real advantages. 

1. I don't have to play with any of the methods to attempt to get NT and
Linux to co-exist.

2. (This is the big one). I frequently have to move between Linux and NT
(I do Java development on Linux but currently do my Database entity
modelling on NT). By using the floppy I can decide which OS to boot into
next as soon as I start the shutdown of either OS.  eg I am limping
along in NT and decide to use Linux. So I insert the floppy, tell NT to
Shutdown and Restart - go away, make coffee and return to Linux. eg 2 I
am whizzing in linux, decide I need some instability in my life so I
eject the floppy, press Ctl+Alt+Backspace to exist X then
Ctrl+Alt+Delete to shutdown and restart, go make coffee or 2 and come
back to NT login.



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