>> sorry but I need to know where exactly .bash_profile is located and which

usually in your home directory (cd ~)

>> editor do I use to  edit it.  I tried the vi editor.  I show nothing and I
>> don't know the command to get out of it. Even control c  (^C) does not help.
>OK. Login as a normal user (i.e. not root)
>vi is evil, so use emacs ;)


vi is more likely to be present.

>emacs .bash_profile
>then hit return
>emacs will fire up...
>use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the file (hit return if
>necessary toadd another time)
>export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
>Hit Control X followed by Control C


vi .bash_profile


Goexport PS1='\h:\w\$ ' Escape ZZ


Cheers, Rex

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