Hi all,
        I got a little problem.
        When I login as root, I can export the path properly.

        But I login as a normal user, my path is not exported properly. It
is set to the path defined in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config.

        If I login in an ascii mode, then the path is fine. But in
x-window, it does not work.

        Can anyone help me please...



Shao Zhang                             \\/
5/28-30 Victoria AVE                   OxO
PENSHURST 2035                         //\
Sydney, NSW                           ///\\
Australia                            ////\\\
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   *  *  *            |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
****  * *             |       http://shaoz.dyn.ml.org       |
*   *******           | http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~s2193893|
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