After having trouble using PPP to connect my new Linux O.S. so that I 
could ftp the Debian packages, I sent an email to my ISP provider 
asking what type of conncection they have, thinking that it might use 
"chap" or "pap". But the ISP tech supporter replied that it was a 
standard "text" login that asks for "username:" then "Password:". I 
added those exact same words to /etc/chatscripts/provider file and I 
finally managed to connect my linux o.s. to isp using the ppp 
program. This program is the one that uses "pon" and "poff". But  
about 30 seconds after the connection has been established, I am 
disconected. Using plog to observe what was happening It seems that a 
connection is istablished because DNS numbers and hexa decimal jargon 
is being tranffered back forth. Then the connection is terminated. I 
wish I could send you text copy of the output of plog, but being a 
newbie to Linux I do not know how to tranfer files to my other hard 
drive, which has Win95 installed on it. I need to know is it Linux 
that is disconnecting me from my ISP or is it the ISP that is having 
trouble recognizing Linux's ppp program. If it is a Linux problem 
does anyone have a solution. 

Monte Copeland  Knoxville TN 

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