Dear Debian users :

        I am having problems with the and/or with the libc6. I released 
my "bo"

linux to "hamm" 2 week ago. I used the "" program.

        The upgrading was fine and without big problems. However the myself 

programs, after the upgrading, do not run anymore. The programs stop with 
SIGSEGV signal

after calling to getpid(). So, I decided compile the library

    For compile the library the Makefile call to the program


and need the sharedlib.h header. These files are provided by the libc5-altd*.

It is right? I am thing the "hamm" release depend in libc6 nor in libc5.

    Thank in advances.



                           Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
                           Instituto de Física da USP
                           e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                           homepage :

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