
$ ps ax | grep S1

11680  S1 S    0:00 /sbin/getty -L -f /etc/issue.ttyS1 ttyS1 9600 vt100

$ finger

castor25 Jose Castor             pb        Oct  1 17:40 (minxo.upc.es)
ceo      Cercle d'Estudis Orien  S1     2  Oct  1 13:57
david25  David Moya Rubio        p1     6  Oct  1 13:52 (dttix14.upc.es)

$ w
noone on S1

$ ps ax | grep ceo

11767   1 S    0:00 grep ceo

        Then I log on S1 and if run finger both 'ceo' and me appear.

        Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. I don't know what's
going on.


Salutacions, Pere       ----  __o            Ultima Ratio Regum
  2:343/108.91       -----  _`\<;_        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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