John Watts wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to do a stealth installation of Debian 2.0.34 on an old P75 system 
> at
> work and am having some problems.

        '2.0.34' refers to the version of the Linux *kernel* being used, not
the Debian distribution.  The most recent offical Debian is v2.0.  The
latest kernel is 2.0.35 (2.0.36 Real Soon Now).

> 1) Network card - it has a EthernetExpress10 card.  I got ahold of the source
> code for the driver and compiled it.  Insmod says it's for kernel 2.0.33 and 
> -f
> doesn't seem to do anything.

        Apparently, your current system is using the 2.0.33 kernel, but I'm not
quite sure what you mean here.  Are you sure that the driver isn't
available in the kernel source package (as a buildable module)?  In
general, drivers need to be compiled on systems running the same kernel
as the driver will be used under.  I don't have enough experience
compiling drivers separate from the kernel source to say any more here.

> 2) Kernel source - where is it?  I can't find a /linux subdirectory anywhere.
> The installation was done off of floppies.

        The kernel source is massive, about 7 meg.  This is why its not part of
the initial install (how many floppies would you need for 7 meg?  :-)
).  You can find the source (in a deb package) on or a
mirror in the 'devel' section (if using the ftp method of dselect). 
Most CD venders will include the latest source packages in a separate
location from the various distributions, but not likely in a deb format.

> Thanx for any help.
> Rgds
> John Watts

        I hope something above helps.

Ed C.

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