Ok, I currently have a series of jobs queued up with at.  Here's the
current list:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/morpheus}atq
42      1998-10-02 04:00 a
25      1998-10-01 15:30 a
26      1998-10-02 12:55 a
27      1998-10-02 15:30 a
28      1998-10-02 20:55 a
29      1998-10-02 23:30 a
30      1998-10-03 20:55 a
31      1998-10-03 23:30 a
32      1998-10-04 18:55 a
33      1998-10-04 21:30 a
34      1998-10-01 19:55 a
35      1998-10-01 23:59 a
36      1998-10-02 19:55 a
37      1998-10-02 23:59 a
38      1998-10-03 19:55 a
39      1998-10-03 23:59 a
40      1998-10-06 19:55 a
41      1998-10-06 23:59 a
24      1998-10-01 12:55 =

    What I am wondering is if at will wait for one job to finish before
starting the next or will it start them at the appointed time?  What these
are are a series of jobs which start and stop a process at appointed times. 
One at to start the job, one at to stop it.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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