On Thu, Oct 01, 1998 at 06:43:51PM -0500, Mrpeabody shared with us the 
following words of wisdom:
> I just got a hp laserjet 6L and I'm trying to set it up I got it to
> print by doing a cat > /dev/lp0 ,but the printing is sloppy, how do I
> further configure my printer?  I got gostscript from debian is there
> anything else I can get to make setup easier.
>     -jeff

My printing system consists of a HP LJ6L, ghostscript 4.03, lprng,
and magcfilter. I used magicfilterconfig to set up /etc/printcap
to look like:

lp|lp|lp|HP Laserjet 6L:\

and this setup works very well. If you need to change the printers
settings (economode, toner density etc), there are no tools to do
it directly in linux afaik, but you can use the "PJL Configuration 
Wizard" at http://www.hp.com/cpso-support/generic/pcl/pjlwiz.html
In the resulting code you get there, you must change the [Esc]'s to
the escape character, which you can produce in e.g emacs with C-q C-[
or in vi with C-v C-[. then you can cat the code to the printer device
(cat printer_control_code_file > /dev/lp0).

+         Peter Granroth         +  Microsoft is NOT the answer  +
+ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] +   Microsoft is the question   +
+     http://granroth.ml.org     +       The answer is NO        +

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