On: Thu, 1 Oct 1998 12:14:53 -0700 (PDT) Bradley Bell writes:
> I need to print to an HP Laserjet 5Si printer which is hooked up to
> a netware network,
> Can anybody point me to any resources on printing to netware
> printers?
> I've studied and tried every trick in the IPX- and Printing-HOWTO,
> and the instructions there are pretty insufficient when it comes to
> this problem.
> At the moment, I can almost print text files using nprint, but they
> come out staircased and sideways, and with no banner page.
> If anybody else has gotten this working, can I see your printcap and
> filter files?

If nprint seems to send your file transparently to the user (at least
it didn't convert LF->CR/LF) you can use a printcap which just calls a
script for printing.  Here is a sample entry for the smbprint command,
change it accordingly:


You should probably chain it with magicfilter to provide automatic
Postscript->PCL conversion if your printer do not nativly support
postscript (I assume, you should let magicfilter print to remote
printer smb on localhost with the above printcap entry).


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