
I cannot get xringd to work.
Here is my /etc/xringd.conf file:

-a echo Ring...
R 1-6 R 8 : echo Got ya

1)It is supposted that when reciving a call, a "Ring.." will apear on
screen at the same
 time that ring on the phone isnit?? Well nothing apear when the phone
2) After 2 rings and hang up, linux shuold write "got ya" insit? well
this is
 not happening too...

When booting there apear a lot of messages including:
       Starting phone line monitor: xringd.
So i think its `turned on'.

How can i get xrings to work ??

PS: where is supposted linux to write "ring..."?? on a term ?? and all
users will s
ee "ring..."??                   


                        /                             /
                       /      Phillip  Neumann       /
                      /     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      /

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