I didn't catch the beginning of this thread.  Did anyone mention
possible changes in scsi termination???


From:   Paul Slootman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, October 06, 1998 11:14 AM
To:     debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc:     The recipient's address is unknown.
Subject:        Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?

Subject: Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Organization: Albert Heijn Winkelautomatisering

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>Now when I reboot the scsi controller sees the scsi drives on both 
>its channels (its an Adaptec 3940 which has two channels).  
>Debian seems to reset the controller successfully on both 
>channels but the boot up fsck reports that three of my drives aren't 
>there as ext2 filesystems.  I'm pretty sure they're all on the same 
>(second) channel and that that's the channel where the cdrom 
>came out so I'd like to think the explanation is that removing the 
>cdrom has thrown the mapping from scsi device ids to /dev 

This is not debian-specific, it's linux kernel specific.

scsi cdroms are in a different namespace from scsi disks, so adding or
removing scsi cdroms will not in any way change the naming of the scsi

>I can't get into the machine to check documentation and I can't see 
>enough detail in "Running Linux" to know if this is the case and, if 
>so, how to fix it.  However, that does read as if linux scans through 
>the scsi devices allocating /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc sequentially rather 
>than hard mapping to a scsi id.  If so, maybe removing the cdrom 

True, linux allocates the first scsi disk it sees to /dev/sda, etc.

>has thrown the mapping and I should be able to get in as root and 
>hack the mapping (is it in /etc/fstab?) and correct the problem.  
>(Seems odd as it allocates cdroms and rw drives separately but ...)
>If not, what's happening?!  I can't see that there's likely to have 
>been a major destruction of the file system on all three drives 
>particularly given that the controller verifies them happily!

You haven't changed the ribbon cables around in replacing the
motherboard, and then maybe changed the boot order in the Adaptec
setup? It will then boot up from the first disk on the second channel
(hence find the kernel), however, linux will still scan the channels
in the same order (i.e. first channel A and then channel B). The order
is hence changed...

>_ANY_ hints, help, thwacks over the head for stupidity gratefully 

I'm holding back on thwacks for the moment :-)

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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