I often have to manually set my terminal type to 'vt100' every time I
log into my linux box from the windoze machine in my office.  
        export TERM=vt100
then all works fine.  You might also want to look into using the stty
command to rebind certain keys to match what your terminal emulator
sends.  as in:
        stty erase ^?
where you press the backspace character to get ^?
I agree that the telnet app that comes with windoze sucks, but I
found it easier to find these workarounds than to install a new telnet
client on every windoze machine I visit when I want to telnet to my
real machine.  Hope this helps.

 - DeJay.
 / Bedrock \__________________________
| http://bedrock.dyn.ml.org/dejay     |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Steve Lamb wrote:

> On Tue, 06 Oct 1998 08:19:09 -0400, Jeff Miller wrote:
> >I recently took a class on Unix and we used Win95 machines to Telnet into 
> >our server and vi acted "weird."  The instructor acknowledged this and said 
> >that there was nothing we could do.  I would suggest using a Windoze X 
> >Client software in place of Telnet.  We use Exceed and it works well.  
> >There may be something available that is "free" but I don't know.  
>     Tera Term works quite well in conjunction with Screen.  The telnet that
> came with Windows is lousy emulation and should not be used except in extreme
> cases.
> -- 
>          Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
>          ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
> -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------
> --  
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