This morning I tried to install Debian on a system with one of
these modems and was unsuccessful in creating a PPP connection.
The BIOS initializes the modem to IRQ 9, and Win95 says it's on
COM2.  So I used /dev/ttyS1 as the device name and used setserial
to change the IRQ to 9, but still no success.  pon fails with the 
message   tcgetattr: Input/Output error(5)
Since I have successfully set up PPP on another machine using
the same ISP, I am fairly sure that the config files are correct.

I know this question was discussed recently, but a search of the
archives gave me conflicting opinions on this subject.  At least
one person suggests that it isn't useable at all, while another
suggests using setserial to avoid an irq conflict; another place
suggested to specify the UART.

Does anyone have a definitive answer as to whether or not these
are usable with Linux, and if so, what needs to be done to
convince them to work?

If you need any more information about the system or config files
just ask for them.

Thanks a lot for the help.

James Dietrich

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