On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Ulisses Alonso Camaro wrote:

 : Hi again Matthew
 : On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 : > <snippety>
 : > 
 : > Hmmm...as a crude hack, I edited /etc/modules:
 : > 
 : > ne io=0x300
 : > 
 : > Is this OK (it seems to have worked), or have I planted a timebomb?
 : This trick may work now, but as it is not documented in the /etc/modules
 : file it _may_ cause problems in the future... I suggest to use correct way

Eh?  If you would have specified "io=0x300" when you inserted the ne
module during a fresh install (dinstall), you would have found the exact
line appended to /etc/modules :)  So I guess the Debian installation
system knows this feature ...

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
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