Hi there... I stumbled on the same problem and I am now running it with the
scipt in /etc/rc.boot/ipmasq disabled, 
and a startup file similar to what you are using. 
It seems to be the simplest way to run IP masq. 
I ahaven't tried deciphering the script that uses /etc/ipmasq.conf to see
what it does different from th 2 simple lines that seem to work just fine. 

I believe there is some fine line between setting up masqarading and
protecting the system from the outside world, as setup in
/etc/init.d/netbase spoofing section... I need to read some more and try to
figure out how these itnerellate to each other. I think i have spoofing
protection disabled on my machine; I commented out all the  "deny" lines :)

I hope some of this makes sense...helpful comments are always welcomed :)


At 06:31 PM 10/08/1998 -0400, Lee Bradshaw wrote:
>How am I supposed to use the ipmasq package with ppp? Is it possible?
>I tried using as the external ip address, but I received a
>few error messages when booting and I couldn't telnet to the machine
>anymore. I couldn't find any documentation in /usr/doc/ipmasq and the
>man pages just said that there were no useful man pages. After removing
>ipmasq and rebooting telnet to the machine worked fine again.
>I executed the following commands to get masquerading to work manually:
>  ipfwadm -F -p deny
>  ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
>After changing the default route on another system I was able to bring
>up web pages through the masquerading system.
>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to use the ipmasq package with ppp
>dynamic addresses (I assume it works ok with static addresses)? How about
>suggestions on where to put ipfwadm filtering commands in the initialization
>Lee Bradshaw                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
>Alantro Communications       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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