H C Pumphrey wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Wilson Tuma wrote:
> > Plase could you give the the files I have to download to be able to install
> > linux man  pages so I can get help by typing say
> > "man  rm"  or "man  cp"
> You need the manpages  package (manpages_1.19-1.deb) ,
>          the man-db    package (man-db_2.3.10-65.deb),
>          the libc6     package (libc6_2.0.7t-1.deb), [1]
>          the libdb2    package (libdb2_2.3.16-7.deb),
>          the groff     package (groff_1.11a-2.deb),
>   and    the libg++272 package (libg++272_2.7.2.8-0.1.deb)
> Now you begin to see why the slightly counter-intuitive decision to not
> have the man pages in the base distribution was taken: it would have made
> it bigger by several floppies.

To get some help before you install the man pages, you can try, for
        rm --help


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