Hello George

You don't understand my situation. I can't  just go out of my office and buy
a book on linux because there is non around here. I am located in Douala -
Cameroon where there a terrible lacking of technical information.

Even my connection is not too good so I have to make the best of a bad
situation. I have just configured linux to do a ppp connection. On the linux
computer I have just the base files. So I absolutely need the files since I
want to download them and make linux to see my network card and do the same
for my remaining network.

Thanks for understanding

Wilson Tuma
-----Original Message-----
From: George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wilson Tuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Friday, October 09, 1998 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: Configuring Network Cards

>Most new 3Com network cards default to IO=0x300 and IRQ=10
>On Fri, 9 Oct 1998, Wilson Tuma wrote:
>> Hi
>> I just bought a new network card. But it is not include in the modconfig
>> program. The card is a 3com905B-TX. Could your please tell me how I could
>> inlcude the drivers in may shell.
>> I don't have to packages to make a new shell. If you could outline the
>> and the process for recompiling the shell I will be very grateful.
>> Thanks
>> Wilson Tuma
>> --
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>George Bonser
>The Linux "We're never going out of business" sale at an FTP site near you!

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