I have a IBM PS/2 486dx with a 200 mg SCSI hd. The SCSI adapter is on
the sys. board.
I have the IRQ, ID,and LUN, is there boot method so that Debian will
recognize that
the hd is there. Cfdisk gives me an error like this FATAL ERROR Can not
open hard disk. With fdisk it says it can not access the hard disk but
it knows that it is a scsi hard disk. This all happens at the third
step: Partition a Hard Disk. Debian seams to know there's a scsi hard
disk but can't access it. Any help would be very much appreciated.
E-mail me back if you have any suggestions on anything I can try.

Best regards

 /*******************/ David Sherow \******************\
/*************/ President,  Sherow Enterprises  \*******\
\****************\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] /*************/
 \*********\ http://www.ourtownusa.net/~sherow /******/

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