
let me explain this as best as I can -

I had installed Yggdrasil Linux long time ago and everything on
that setup worked ok.

Recently, I upgraded to Debian2.0 and none of my executables or
Perl scripts are working anymore. I get 

bash: filename: command not found

Within Debian, I did not create a /home dir. I wanted to use my
existing Yggdrasil /home with all my files intact when I ran

So, within Debian /etc/fstab, I added the following:
/dev/hdc4   /home   ext2   defaults

Now, I could see all my files. 

Since I was logged on with a different username, I did the 
following to change file permissions:

chown -R rathon /home/guest (as root, username=rathon)

Now, I could open up any file and edit as I needed in my /home/guest

As I mentioned earlier, Perl scripts that worked on Ygg do not
work on Debian. I get a 'command not found'

I did a env and got this:


I could do 'which Perl' and see the path being /usr/bin/perl. Same
as my Ygg path for Perl. So I was sure Perl got detected right.

So I wanted to do a test to see if this is Perl specific or not.
I wrote a 3 line 'C' code and compiled it using gcc. This gave
me a 'a.out' file(no error in compiling). When I run the file, I

bash:a.out:command not found

So, my present setup(Debian)WILL NOT allow any executables to run!

I checked my permission and that was ok. I even did a chmod 777 on
my file and that did not work.

Additional info:
I am giving some additional info in the hopes that someone can
point me in the right direction. I have a feeling that I did not
move my /home dir from Ygg to Debian properly.

If I do a ls -l:
-rw-r--r--   1  rathon  users  64   Oct12 10:44  test.c
-rwxrwxr-x   1  rathon  rathon 4157 Oct12 10:44 a.out

Notice that the gid changed when I compiled the file ? Is that normal
to get uid and gid the same ??

In /etc/group:

In /etc/passwd:
rathon:x:1000:1000: and more stuffs...

Why is the gid different in /group vs /passwd ??

Sorry for the details but I needed to explain clearly.
Pls help.


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