On 15 Oct 1998, Gilbert Laycock wrote:

> Alex> Is anyone using NIS with hamm? I'm trying to set it to work
> Alex> against a Solaris NIS server and it doesn't work. I've got
> Alex> everything up to the point that "ypcat passwd" indeed cats all
> Alex> the passwd file from the NIS server (with the passwords replaced
> Alex> with "##username"). My /etc/passwd has a +:::::: entry in the
> Alex> end, and /etc/group - the +::: entry. /etc/nsswitch.conf says
> Alex> "compat" for passwd, group, and shadow. And yet, when I try to
> Alex> log in using one of the usernames from the NIS server, it won't
> Alex> let me. Has anyone stumbled upon anything like this?

Are you sure that the shadow map has been created on your server?
You can check it out by typing 'ypcat shadow.byname' on client.
As a default setup creation of shadow map is commented out in the

Jozef Skvarcek

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